Stop! Wait a minute.

2 min readAug 26, 2021


Or an hour, or days, probably even an year if you have to.

With our daily quest to hustle and grind and tread on a path of what we call a “productive day”, we often lose our mental balance and end up feeling stressed out.

Never ending meetings and busy routines barely spare any time for self improvement or to focus on our well being. This can’t stop, won’t stop attitude of ours is in fact, impacting the true meaning to live a life.

In a culture that wears exhaustion as a badge of honor, remember we are just animals who were meant to roam around the forest, eating, sleeping and just being ourselves; and the way the society is built, overwork does kill us.

We after all, must realize that as humans it is important, more than ever, to be “on a break”. Yup, to take a pause from whatever you are doing and just relax for a while. Take some time out to catch up with old friends over drinks, take a walk across the beach, play a prank or playstation, or maybe take a trip to some place you really wanted to go.

While a cat may have nine lives, we only have one. So instead of breaking backs by working all the time, learn to unwind. Learn to take rest. This also would clear the mind and would help us focus better and make us over two times more productive.

In returning to the “new normal”, let’s instill values in our work environments that prioritize the individual in a holistic way. We are not robots and our brains are not computers. For the sake of our health and happiness during our brief time here on earth, the societal structures of work and how it relates to an individual’s health need an upgrade. With that said, I’m going back to doing nothing today.




Written by Swapnil

Welcome to my journal of experiences and thoughts in technology, management, social and travel spaces

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